Title IX
ISCA Title IX and Non-Discrimination Notice, Anti-Harassment, and Anti-Bullying Policy
Insight Schools of California (ISCA) comply with the policy of the State of California to afford all persons in public schools, regardless of their disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code, equal rights and opportunities in the educational institutions of the state. (Education Code Section 200.)
No person shall be subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code in any program or activity conducted by an educational institution that receives, or benefits from, state financial assistance or enrolls pupils who receive state student financial aid. (Education Code Section 220.) Further, ISCA does not discriminate on the basis of any protected class including but not limited to race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, or disability in the programs or activities which it operates or the employment therein or admission thereto. ISCA complies with applicable non-discrimination, anti-harassment and anti-bullying laws including but not limited to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex which can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion. ISCA’s policy specifically prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on the following actual or perceived characteristics: disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, and sexual orientation. Discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying directed at someone associated with a person or group with one or more of the listed actual or perceived characteristics is also prohibited. ISCA prohibits discrimination, harassment and bullying in the school environment, whether or not it initially occurred off school grounds or outside the ISCA’s education programs or activities. The school environment includes school facilities, class connect sessions, and school-sponsored activities (such as extracurricular events or field trips).
ISCA is committed to providing a safe environment in which students can learn. As such, ISCA strives to maintain a nondiscriminatory environment protecting students from discrimination, harassment, and bullying. ISCA encourages students, parents, and staff to work together to prevent acts of harassment of any kind including bullying. If any ISCA school personnel witness an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, he or she shall take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. All federal agencies that provide grants of assistance are required to enforce Title IX. The U.S. Department of Education gives grants of financial assistance to schools and colleges and to certain other entities, including vocational rehabilitation programs.
Examples of the types of discrimination that are covered under Title IX include sex- or gender-based harassment or bullying; the failure to provide equal opportunity in athletics; discrimination in a school’s courses and programs; and discrimination based on pregnancy or parenting status. To review a comprehensive list of the Title IX issues addressed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, please review information located here. The Title IX regulation is enforced by the Office of Civil Rights and is in the Code of Federal Regulations at 34 CFR Part 106.
Complaints or questions regarding discrimination, harassment or bullying should be directed to the ISCA Title IX Coordinator:
Title IX Coordinator and the Office of Civil Rights
Melisse Burns
50 Moreland Rd.
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Phone: 530.421.8165
Email: [email protected]